Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NOLA A Brees For Saints QB

Yesterday, outside of Cafe DuMonde in the French Quarter at 6:30am (an hour and a half prior to the Saints first OTA meeting), Drew Brees sat down with Alexis Glick of Fox Business to speak about several topics. Here is the link to the interview. Gotta love Brees.



Anonymous said...

It's stuff like that which makes me believe that the Saints will eventually go places with Brees. Can you imagine waking up early on the morning of your teams' first OTA just to do an interview about your philanthropic organization? He went straight to the Saints practice facility from the interview. This dude was a born leader and walks the walk. Throw talent out the window -- Brees is just a great guy with all the intangibles it takes to be a winner. We are lucky to have him.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does it look like she wants some?

Anonymous said...

Maybe just a tip

Anonymous said...

Tip? I love tips!