As most of you know, last week challenged the entire Carolina Panther nation to two separate bets for this upcoming season. The first was that the Saints would sweep the series against the Panthers, and the second was that Reggie Bush would have more total yards from scrimmage than DeAngelo Williams. While we are still in negotiations concerning the bet with two Carolina fan sites that shall remain nameless, we did hear back from a Carolina Panther fan named Gengiz. This fan’s passion is not questioned. What concerns us, though, are his various grammatical shortcomings. We at, like the rest of the great city of New Orleans, are good people. We believe in civility, helping others, and the correct use of the English language. Therefore, out of the goodness of our collective heart, we have decided to correct the grammar of this passionate Carolina fan. We also believe this will help Panther nation in general, as some of its previous responses to our posts have indicated a rather lackluster level of education on their part (claiming that there is an overabundance of offensive weaponry in Carolina, for example). We understand that grammar is not easy. That’s why we’re here to help. Below, you will find the original email written by Gengiz. We have included numbers in brackets in the mail. Below the email are the corrections that correspond to the numbers. Let's get started, class.LOL! [1] Oh pleeease tell me whats the bet? You wont be sweeping the panthers. The super dome is our 2nd home. Havent lost a game their [2] since 2000. We own you there! [3] Oh yeah, and if Deangello Williams [4] a bust then Reggie Bush must be the Ryan Leaf of running backs. Here are their [5] stats from last year.D.Williams 144 attempts, 717 yards, 5 yards per carry average, 4 Tds
Reggie Bush 157 attempts, 581 yards, 3.7 yards per carry average, 4 TdsKeep in mind Reggie Bush started most of the season after Duece got hurt where as [6] Williams was backing up Foster. Not to mention Bush was the #2 overall pick in the draft where Williams went 26. OUCH! Let me know your terms as long as they are reasonable! You guys truely [7] are delusional [8]![1] LOL is an acronym for the words “Laugh Out Loud.” It is most frequently used by prepubescent teenage girls when commenting about their photos on Myspace or Facebook. It should never be used by a guy.
[2] Here, the correct word would have been “there.” Distinguishing correctly between “there” and “their” is a mistake often made by those new to the language. “Their” is used to indicate possession or belonging, whereas “there” is used to describe a place. Here, because you were talking about the Superdome, a place, “there” would have been the correct choice.
[3] Very good. Here you got it right.
[4] All sentences need a verb, which is a word that denotes the sentence’s action. In this case, “is” would have been acceptable. “Is” would have sufficiently carried the action of the sentence’s subject, “DeAngelo Williams.”
[5] Very good again. Here you were able to distinguish correctly between “there” and “their” for the second time in a row.
[6] “Whereas” would have been the correct word here. This is yet another mistake made by those in the beginning stages of trying to tackle the language. The word “whereas” is a conjunction that dates back to the 14th century. Its origins come from two separate words “where” and “as” (hence your confusion). For the last 700 years, however, both of these words have been written as one. Also, the word “tackle” as used earlier is not to be taken literally -- it is used merely as a figure of speech. Your familiarity with the word “tackle” (a “tackle” by your beloved Panther defenders, for example) is an entirely different thing.
[7] Here the correct spelling of the word is “truly.” We can see why the error was made, though, as one could easily think that the natural progression of the word “true” would be
truely. Nonetheless, “truly” is and always has been the accepted spelling. We realize that there are a lot of words to learn, and that not all of them can be spelled correctly.
[8] Very good. You followed up your previous gaffe of “truly” with quite a fine job with this rather lengthy and complicated word.
And so there you have it, Carolina Panther nation. What more could you ask of your division rivals than a nice and necessary grammar lesson? We hope that this proves useful to you, and look forward to its being put into practice in future comments that you make on our site.
As for the bet, details and participating site(s) will be released as soon as they are official.