Why do you like the Saints so much? They suck. Pro football sucks. I like LSU better. Why are you such a die-hard Saints fan? Do you think the 2003 national championship team could beat the Katrina Saints?
I get questions like these all the time from people who fail to understand what makes the New Orleans Saints great. These people come from the land of strip malls and chain restaurants, of massive city expansion with minimal city planning, the land of neighborhoods full of houses with identical doors, mailboxes, and families inside. Occasionally, they leave their beloved Valley and head down to the Dome for what, this? Yats and Who Dats drinking dome foam, wearing the jerseys of their heroes forever immortalized in a museum the size of my house, dancing during commercials and wait, are those people kissing on the jumbotron? What’s going on here?
That’s right folks, welcome to the Louisiana Superdome. You have now left Tiger Stadium. Consider yourselves changed.
So we prefer jerseys to polo shirts, we chicken dance for Popeyes and shake a Winn-Dixie reward card like there is no tomorrow for nominally valued prizes, and we even do “the wave” on offense from time to time. And Baton Rouge people do not like it….
Let’s be honest for a second here - If you grew up within 20 minutes of the campus of Louisiana State University, chances are, you fall into one of three categories:
1. You claim to hate pro football;
2. You call yourself a Tigers fan, but not a Saints fan;
3. You simply, for reasons unknown to me, dislike the Saints.
Being a Saints fan is different, and you don’t get it. It’s knowing Black and Gold Optimus Prime who will, without fail, do the robot each time the camera pans on him for even a second, or the Human Whistle, who might come sit at the front of your section if he feels like it, never requiring his own chair – this large whistle on his head doubles as a comfortable front row seat to the game. It’s going on road trips, walking around towns yelling “Who Dat!” It’s forever hating Phil Hardberger, the mayor of San Antonio who suggested the Saints make a permanent move there. It’s seeing a River Parish Disposal sign and saying to yourself “our business stinks, but it’s picking up,” in your worst Buddy D accent. All of this, and so much more, is what truly makes us different. And you don’t understand because you’re from 75 miles west on I-10, and you never gave it a chance.
Tailgating at an LSU game with the guys from the business college, or your fraternity bothers, or your law school friends is one thing. Coming out under the interstate and getting down with the Who Dats…. That’s something else entirely. I invite you to try it. And here’s the deal – You Do Not have to choose one over the other. Memo to Baton Rouge people: The Saints will never play the Tigers. The 2 teams will rarely even play on the same day of the week, much less at the same time. So what do you do on Sundays? What do you have against wearing a jersey to a football game? Is NCAA football really that much better? Did you stop liking Laron Landry when he got drafted? Why don’t you make the trip one Sunday? I assure you there is no better cure for a Saturday-Night-in-Tiger-Stadium-Hangover than a Sunday morning bloody mary in the Dome.
That’s right folks, welcome to the Louisiana Superdome. You have now left Tiger Stadium. Consider yourselves changed.
So we prefer jerseys to polo shirts, we chicken dance for Popeyes and shake a Winn-Dixie reward card like there is no tomorrow for nominally valued prizes, and we even do “the wave” on offense from time to time. And Baton Rouge people do not like it….
Let’s be honest for a second here - If you grew up within 20 minutes of the campus of Louisiana State University, chances are, you fall into one of three categories:
1. You claim to hate pro football;
2. You call yourself a Tigers fan, but not a Saints fan;
3. You simply, for reasons unknown to me, dislike the Saints.
Being a Saints fan is different, and you don’t get it. It’s knowing Black and Gold Optimus Prime who will, without fail, do the robot each time the camera pans on him for even a second, or the Human Whistle, who might come sit at the front of your section if he feels like it, never requiring his own chair – this large whistle on his head doubles as a comfortable front row seat to the game. It’s going on road trips, walking around towns yelling “Who Dat!” It’s forever hating Phil Hardberger, the mayor of San Antonio who suggested the Saints make a permanent move there. It’s seeing a River Parish Disposal sign and saying to yourself “our business stinks, but it’s picking up,” in your worst Buddy D accent. All of this, and so much more, is what truly makes us different. And you don’t understand because you’re from 75 miles west on I-10, and you never gave it a chance.
Tailgating at an LSU game with the guys from the business college, or your fraternity bothers, or your law school friends is one thing. Coming out under the interstate and getting down with the Who Dats…. That’s something else entirely. I invite you to try it. And here’s the deal – You Do Not have to choose one over the other. Memo to Baton Rouge people: The Saints will never play the Tigers. The 2 teams will rarely even play on the same day of the week, much less at the same time. So what do you do on Sundays? What do you have against wearing a jersey to a football game? Is NCAA football really that much better? Did you stop liking Laron Landry when he got drafted? Why don’t you make the trip one Sunday? I assure you there is no better cure for a Saturday-Night-in-Tiger-Stadium-Hangover than a Sunday morning bloody mary in the Dome.
I'd rather watch an enema be administered than LSU football.
Glad you're a Saints fan, hope you're enjoying the blog. Your name is hilarious.
To clear something up, I don't hate LSU. I went there, and I'm actually a big LSU fan. I'm just tired of the Anti-Saints sentiment that pervades much of Baton Rouge.
Chuck Norris and "spelling bee" girl love the Saints and LSU
I cannot agree with you more, section123saintsfan. I came to Baton Rouge from New Orleans to go to school at LSU, and I would say that at least 80% of my friends from Baton Rouge have no interest in the Saints. It has confused me from day one. I would love to hear if anyone knows the reason for this. I am just as big an LSU fan as I am a Saints fan. Yet I am dumbfounded as to why people think they cannot be both.
Mainly because BR folk secretly (or not so secretly) don't like New Orleans, like most of the rest of LA. Basic penis envy
Great stuff, 123. Keep'em coming. And maybe one day I'll get to finally sit in 123 with you, instead of the nosebleeds with the Golden Meadow Swat Team.
"Mainly because BR folk secretly (or not so secretly) don't like New Orleans, like most of the rest of LA. Basic penis envy"
Maybe we don't like wading around in trash all the time. Your city smells like urine.
Still a Saints fan though.
-Thunder Lips
Ah, yes. Because all of NOLA is like the Quarter. Brilliant analysis Thunder Thighs!
Thunder Thighs? I would say you have creativity on a garbage man's level with that comment, but then apparently even garbage men are to good for your city. You must have attended Tulane at some point.
-Thunder Lips
i started a saints fan and became an lsu fan about hs time (my parents like nfl and not college football)
but i never understand the people who think a great college team can beat a bad pro team... think about it. a great college team may have about 4 people who'll make it into the nfl that next season where as an nfl team is filled with those people. it wouldn't even be a contest.
i dont think this should become a discussion on what city is better, but i really hope you arent trying to say the city of baton rouge is even comparable to new orleans? besides lsu, baton rouge has nothing. With that being said, to say that you dont like the saints because you dont like the way new orleans smells is childish. grow up and actually think of a reason that might make sense.
Excellent blurb! Growing up in BR and loving the Tigers, I can honestly say that I am familiar with the anti-Saints attitude (while I did not hate the Saints, I only caught a game every now and then tv). After living in NOLA for 1.5 years, I can honestly say that I wish we had known all along what we were missing! Win or loose... we are fans for life now! Who Dat!!!
Let me start off by saying that I am neither from Baton Rouge or N.O., but I did attend LSU. I am a huge fan of all things LSU, not just football. I am a Saints fan also, but at not nearly the level as LSU. I do pull for the Saints, but I think the Dome sucks ass. I think that is where the difference lies. The pumped in music, the closed in roof, and many other factors lead to an atmosphere that pales in comparison to an LSU game. I pull for the Saints in every game that they play, and watch every game on TV, but I have no interest in going to the Dome on a Sunday morning and listening to "Who Let The Dogs Out" thirty times, and it has nothing to do with penis envy, or for that matter, the smell of the city. Just my opinion
born NOLA. raised NOLA. went to two colleges, one on the west coast the other LSU getting duped in to giving me a piece of paper they stamped.
An LSU-Tulane sugarbowl natl championship with saints super bowl in new orleans would be so amazing the universe would implode.
/unless TU won.
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